Izključno za lastnike Zappiti predvajalnike je sedaj na voljo nova verzija Zappiti Media Center v3.0.0.0 Preview. Nova različica ima precej dopolnitev in je lažja za uporabo.
Komu je namenjena verzija
Ta različica je namenjena izključno lastnikom, ki uporabljajo Zappiti predvajalnik in Zappiti Dynamic. V primeru, da uporabljate Dune HD predvajalnike in ne uporabljate Zappiti Dynamic, morate prenesti različico v2.8.13.0!Kaj je Zappiti Dynamic?
Zappiti Dynamic je napredna različica Zappiti programske opreme, ki se uporablja na Zappiti predvajalniku. Kupci, ki ste kupili Zappiti predvajalnik z izdelavo po februarju 2014, imate Dynamic že vgrajen, tisti, ki uporabljate še stare verzije predvajlnikov, pa si morate namestiti zadnjo nadgradnjo (Firmware) B8 ter aplilacijo Zappiti Dynamic.Postopek aplikacije in namestitve je prikazan na naslednji povezavi.
Zappiti Dynamic
Kaj pomeni Preview?
Ta različica je predizdaja zadnje uradne verzije programa. Za razliko od Beta verzije, s to verzijo spremembe vplivajo na Zappiti Cloud. V primeru težav, lahko odstranite verzijo Preview in si naložite prejšnjo uradno verzijo.
Zakaj niste izdali uradno verzijo?
Ta izdaja prinaša veliko sprememb in želimo oceniti njegove vplive z zbiranjem informacij pred uradno izdajo programske opreme.Spremember glede na verzijo v2.8.12.0 (v angleškem jeziku):
- Simplification of the interface, the terms used, improving the Setup Wizard, simplified settings, simplifying the input activation code.- Added tooltips.
- It is possible to monitor in real time the modification or addition of new video files in your files for a fully automatic analysis.
- It is possible to periodically analyze your files at regular intervals.
- The newly discovered video files are automatically identified and analyzed.
- Zappiti Media Center will inform you if one of your configuration files is not accessible.
- It is possible to identify a new series using the right mouse click. This function is also valid for movies (it is not necessary to go into the synovial page to identify a new film).
- The icon "Not seen" has been deleted. When a video is "No view," there is no icon. By default, all the movies and all series are marked "Not seen" or without special icon.
- It is possible to change the state seen / unseen video from the Zappiti Player using the remote control (Dynamic Zappiti).
- The changes made since Zappiti Dynamic is now synchronized to Zappiti Media Center.So when a film is brand "Seen / Unseen / Running" on the Zappiti Player using the remote control (Dynamic Zappiti), the data is synchronized everywhere: on all media players Zappiti Player of the house on Zappiti Media Center and on tablets and smartphones (Zappiti Media Control).
- There is no need to export. Everything syncs your Zappiti Player (Zappiti Dynamic) via Zappiti Cloud (completely transparent to the user).
- Zappiti Media Center automatically reduced in the icon bar instead of close in order to perform automatic identification of films, series, and added music.
- Simplified management numbers "Token" (license number) associated with computers.Attention, however, there can be only one instance of Zappiti Media Center open at once.
- You can manage your activation codes for Zappiti Player from the configuration interface.
- Various interface changes.
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Zappiti Dynamic