Izšla je nova verzija Zappiti Media Center verzija

Novosti in izboljšave glede na verzijo so naslednje:

- Sync with Zappiti Media Control for iOS (Zappiti Cloud).

- Fixed problem of migration of legacy databases.
- Fixed the launch of Blu-ray and Blu-ray 3D on the PC may fail.
- Fixed a problem navigating folders after export on the media player.
- The title of the album is again visible next to the track name in the menus that display tracks.
- Fixed a problem generating access roads movies that prevented launch some movies.
- Improved recognition of albums before scraper corresponding images.
- Fixed incremental export when a series changes from "over" a "view", although export deletes the directory of the series in "ongoing".
- Fixed incremental export when a group is removed from a class, export removes the group well.
- Fixed incremental export when assigning / take a class to an episode of a series.
- Fixed incremental export when changing the image of a menu button, the image is taken into account for export.
- Restoring function to reorganize the categories by drag / filed.
- Adding new terms to exclude in securities during the scrap.

Prenos Zappiti Media Control V ali na uradni strani Zappiti.

Aplikacije, navodila in ostale dobrote za Zappiti predvajalnike so na voljo na Dropbox strani
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